Auto Trader – Mokeamerica

Auto Trader

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We are thrilled to be featured in Auto Trader's "Car News" section, highlighting a test drive with Moke America. From the article by Sam Keller: 

"Operation of the Moke is incredibly simple. A traditional key switches on the dead-silent Moke, and after a cartoonishly oversized red knob is pressed, the delightfully simple Moke is ready to drive. Weighing in at 2,400 pounds, it has the heft of a small car, yet drives like a glorified go-kart. While a top speed of 25 mph is fairly limiting, the Moke has a practical use for short drives to town or the beach, both situations where the speed limit seldom exceeds 30 mph. Moke America is currently working on obtaining a new classification with a top speed of 35 mph.

While the Moke America is new to the market, I have seen quite a few driving around the Hamptons. They're stylish, inexpensive and -- most importantly -- emission-free. The electric motor paired with the timeless styling of the Moke is a nice combination. In addition, maintenance is generally trouble-free compared to a vintage, gas-powered counterpart. Moke America is at the head of a new trend of electrifying vintage cars, something I'd like to see more of in the future."

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